Nulla tenetur veritatis tenetur beatae ratione ea.
Blanditiis sint porro ea aut ipsa cum nam possimus.
Rerum non architecto tempore.
Magnam veritatis
Following options are available when replaying:
- Url: of the target environment.
- Name: of the execution.
- Window Size: of the browser window.
- Reference Execution: previous execution against which to compare when searching for elements or performing visual assertions.
- Browser: used for the execution.
- Maintenance: mode for the execution.
- Automatic only: when an element is not found by XPath, a machine learning determines the most likely element. In case of failure, the execution aborts without asking for a human in the loop.
- Manual only: when an element is not found by XPath, the user is asked to select the correct element or additional action.
- Automatic then manual: when the automatic find result has low confidence (below 50% probability) the execution fallback to manual input by the user.
- Tags: custom tags by the user.
- Network: record all the network traffic of the app with a browser proxy.
- Autocompare: compare checkpoints to reference automatically while executing.