Voluptatem rerum nam perspiciatis culpa provident enim eaque minima.
Dolore sapiente aliq
Action Editing
For a selected action the edit toolbar can be found as shown below:
The action toolbar provides the following options:
- Minimize toolbar
- Edit description
- Edit unique key (used as key to provide an action value from an external tool like STEP)
- Edit the value (e.g. the text written by a type action)
- Disable the action
- Make the action optional. It will be skipped if it cannot be executed.
- Mark the action as unstable if the screenshot does not show a stable state of the application under test.
- Breakpoint to manually modify the action during execution.
- Visual assertion of the screen (disabled by default)
- Add an API action (to call an external API)
- Delete the action
Adding an Action
After a recording or execution, additional actions can be added via right click on any element in a screenshot as shown below.
The insert action dialog provides options to configure the added action.